Programme for 22 and 23 June 2022
10.00 – 10.30 a.m.7 theses and 1 button

PRINT & DIGITAL CONVENTION offers numerous suggestions for possible business models and thus provides important answers to questions about your day-to-day business and your own personal strategy.
Michael Adloff will present 7 short theses from which everyone can then pick out the right key points for themselves in order to go through the event with the right focus.
In other words: think for a moment to get started and then take off!
Michael Adloff, managing director Theissen Medien Gruppe GmbH, Monheim am Rhein
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11.30 – 12.00 a.m.
How print is getting fit for the future with augmented reality 

In this panel discussion, you will get some exciting insights from pioneering companies and an experience agency who will share their experiences and explain the added value of augmenting print and packaging with digital content.
Find out what it takes to connect multimedia marketing content with print and packaging in a smart and innovative way, how this trend will develop – and why you should definitely be part of it!
Jürgen Hein, Head of Marketing & Sales, Member of the Board | LSD GmbH & Co. KG
12.00 - 13.00 p.m. - lunch break
13.00 - 13.30 p.m.
Are you still buying or are you already investing? 

Many print shops have been asking themselves what the point is, and not just since the pandemic. Ever-decreasing print runs, tighter budgets, material shortages, price explosions. The potpourri of surprises and challenges is constantly growing and "Keep it up!" or "When will things finally get back to the way they used to be?" is becoming almost unthinkable. Only the equipment has not noticed this, is possibly getting on in years and/or is no longer suitable for the changed situation. Unfortunately, there is often no time to pause for a moment to check one's own actions against the current circumstances. And then there is this tiresome digitalization. Quick reactions are not necessarily well-considered reactions.
But also in marketing, in creation or with the customer, the sinking budgets, the competition to save money in purchasing, the hunt for ever new trends and a perceived competition for the best online campaign cause us to forget the meaning, value and sustainability (not only in the sense of response) of good print.
Who would spontaneously have an informed answer to the question "Where do you see yourself in three, five or eight years?" - Surveys show, unfortunately, that very few do. Yet it is more important than ever to constantly scrutinize one's own business with a clear view. Which products are profitable? How can I achieve the best possible response? How can I better differentiate myself from the competition? What do my customers really need, and how can I strengthen customer relationships with sustainable ideas and concepts? Do our customers actually know what we can or could do?
Take twenty minutes of your time and let this presentation take you away and inspire you. Your profit: Starting tomorrow, we will invest, buying was yesterday.
Thorsten Kinnen, Business Development Manager Commercial Printing Konica Minolta
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14.30 - 15.00 p.m.
Why still printed customer magazines? Presentation of the first representative impact study on the subject 

Olaf Wolff, 1st Chairman Content Marketing Forum (CMF)
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10.00 – 10.30 a.m.
The pain of e-commerce: astronomical returns rate and initial solutions 

- astronomical returns rate
- completely umemotional buying experience
- minimal unpacking experience
In 2020 alone, there were 315 million returned packages - and that's just in Germany. This corresponds to a cost block of over 4 billion euros for online retailers - not counting the environmental impact.
Reason enough to think about how the return rate can be reduced. The first ideas - with creative and interactive print products - have already been developed.
Learn more about how creative ideas in combination with print media bridges and additional emotionalization of online customers better results are more than realistic.
Rüdiger Maaß, CEO Fachverband Medienproduktion e.V.
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11.30 – 12.00 a.m.
ShowDox makes the shipping box experienceable from the inside 

The challenge here is to develop attention-grabbing advertising strategies that promise high response rates and thus great success and fewer returns. Online stores in particular should focus much more on modern print measures, or on a good marketing mix of print and their cross-media linking. The ShowDox links analog print with the digital world through AR, videos, influencers and more.
The aim is to show how modern print can work in the e-commerce business, using package examples with best practices.
Janik Prasuhn, CEO NEOHHYPE
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12.00 - 13.00 p.m. - lunch break
13.00 - 13.30 p.m.
Brand enhancement in print - touching, effective, sustainable 

"The future of print enhancement lies in your combination of effectiveness and sustainability." This is Frank Denninghoff's firm conviction, which he points out in his presentation as the credo of corporate policy at Gräfe Druckveredelung. In order to sell products effectively, it is essential to address other sensory stimuli in addition to print. If these multisensory perceptions are activated, this increases the credible anchoring of the brand core - if used skilfully - and considerably increases brand awareness. And this with all aspects of sustainable production and paired with a strategic approach, demonstrated by some project examples.
Frank Denninghoff, CEO Gräfe Druckveredelung
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14.30 - 15.00 p.m.
When print comes to life – snoopstar opens up new dimensions in communication 

Thilo Reichert, Chief Growth Officer | snoopstar GmbH
Peter Anuth, Head of Client Service, Member of the Board | LSD GmbH & Co. KG
Presenter information Thilo Reichert
Presenter information Peter Anuth
15.30 - 16.00 p.m.
Bad times for plagiarism and counterfeiting - HP Secure Print in digital printing causes headaches for counterfeiters 

The multi-layer process of digitally printing security features in multiple layers greatly increases the difficulty of counterfeiting products.
In a joint presentation by HP Germany and Scribos, strategies and possibilities in digital printing with HP Indigo will be presented to effectively protect products in the packaging and print communication sector.
HP technology partner Scribos from Heidelberg will present functions of protective features and associated mechanisms.
Jörg Hunsche Market Development Manager, HP Deutschland GmbH
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10.00 – 10.30 a.m.
Digital marketing mechanisms translated to print strategies 

Harry Steiert
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11.30 – 12.00 a.m.
Print-Mailing is the new Programmatic 

In this presentation, you will learn from Lars Schlimbach:
- what advantages programmatic print mailings bring,
- how advertisers can easily use digitalized print mailings
- how partners can seamlessly integrate print mailing into their value creation today and in the future.
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12.00 - 13.00 p.m. - lunch break
13.00 - 13.30 p.m.
More success with less costs -
the award-winning B2B catalogs from SSI Schaefer Shop

There is no trick behind this. The magic words are "relevance and data". The methodology is called "Programmatic Printing". The result is customized B2B catalogs: each tailored to its target person, from the tax consultant to the master craftsman to the purchasing manager in large-scale industry.
In this presentation, you will learn how to generate slim target person catalogs by the millions from what was once a thick tome. How to achieve more attention by omitting information ballast and thus significantly higher conversion rates per page. So that you achieve a much higher return on marketing investment thanks to less paper and lower postage. And this also convinced the jury for the 2021 Catalog of the Year, which awarded first prize for this achievement.
Ulrich Gursky, Head of Communication, SSI Schäfer Shop GmbH
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14.30 - 15.00 p.m.
Programmatic print - hope for an entire industry or just something for lucky unicorns? 

Horst Huber, CEO, priint Group | WERK II
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15.30 - 16.00 p.m.
Marketing and web-to-print systems - through integration to the system of choice 

There are numerous specialized software solutions in the field of marketing and communication, such as web-to-print, marketing automation, programmatic printing, digital marketing, web CMS or web stores. This trend of diversification continues as more and more areas of media production are digitized and media channels are added to be supported by automation.
As a result, isolated solutions have formed in many companies, making similar user interfaces and automated processes difficult.
Integration methods such as best-of-breed, API-first, headless or microservices are intended to remedy this situation. The presentation will use practical cases to show which concepts exist and have proven themselves in practice.
Ira Melaschuk, Melaschuk-Medien
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10.00 – 10.30 a.m.
Best in Class: The Most Important Print Product Labels in the EU 

Due to the lively discussions about the quality and necessity of certain labels in the graphic arts industry, environmental expert Guido Rochus Schmidt will directly contrast the sustainable design concepts EU-Ecolabel, Blue Angel DE-UZ 195 and Cradle-to-Cradle.
Participants in the lecture will receive the UmDEX white label Comparison of ecological print product labels worth 29.00 euros free of charge (USB stick).
Martin Lind as an authorized RAL consultant for the DE-UZ 195 print product label and as an entrepreneur with concrete practical expertise will share the latest status on Europe's most important print product label and clarify the effort and costs involved. Afterwards, both experts will answer questions from the audience.
Presenter information Guido Schmidt
Presenter information Martin Lind
11.30 – 12.00 a.m.
Ecosocial Packaging Collaboration:
Sustainability meets responsibility meets luxury 

The packaged product is a unisex luxury watch from the watch manufacturer Mühle Glashütte GmbH in Glashütte. Sustainable and social assets have been created at all instances of the value chain. The basis for the materials to be used is the processing of high-quality and at the same time certified sustainable cardboard boxes, which are made from 100% recycled paper and are, among other things, FSC, RAL DE-UZ 14a, EU Ecolabel certified and generally free of carbon.
Sustainable. Premium. Luxury.
The Koehler Paper site in Greiz is one of the world's most sustainable paper mills and produces innovative, fine recycled papers, especially for the luxury segment.
The presentation "Luxury meets sustainability meets responsibility" will be co-organized by all companies involved in this typical value chain, from the
- Brand, Uhrenmanufaktur Mühle-Glashütte GmbH,
- in this real-life best-practice project by four creative agencies (see slot below), with very different approaches to creative implementation, the
- Material supplier, the paper mill (Koehler Paper SE, Greiz site) and the
- Print and media service provider Langebartels & Jürgens GmbH, where the packaging was handmade.
Udo Hollbach (Geschäftsführer von Geschäftsführer Koehler Paper Standort Greiz), Thilo Mühle (Geschäftsführer Mühle Glashütte GmbH sowie Saskia Jacobs (Head of Sales and Marketing at Langebartels & Jürgens GmbH) explain their respective approaches and motivations.
Moderation: Jürgen Zietlow
(Immediately following the lecture, the creative agencies involved will show and explain their respective designs)
12.00 - 13.00 p.m. - lunch break
13.00 - 13.30 p.m.
Eco-social marketing collaboration:
Luxury meets sustainability meets responsibility (Part 2) 

As a continuation to the first part (11:30h to 12:00h), four top agencies will show their creative designs based on the previously outlined eco-social specifications. The agencies:
- Scholz&Friends (Robert Auer, Geschäftsleitung Kreation bei Scholz & Friends Family)
- Lehanka Kommunikationsagentur GmbH ( Geschäftsführer Kai-Uwe Lehanka),
- AudioLogo GmbH (Nick Wilcke) sowie
- Forteam Kommunikations GmbH (Geschäftsführerin Caroline Zöller)
explain the different phases of creation, show their different designs and present the design concepts already produced in real life, roughly:
- Phase 1: Orientation, pitch, finding, project decision.
- Phase 2: From design manual to marketable packaging
- Phase 3: Results: Explanations of the respective designs
The experts will then be available to answer questions from the audience. The exhibits can also be viewed during the entire congress fair at the Koehler-Paper SE stand in the foyer and discussed with the agency managers.
Moderation: Jürgen Zietlow
14.30 - 15.00 p.m.
Future. Sustainability. Print!
Campaign Subsidy Package Blue Angel (KSB) 

Most institutional, governmental and industrial print buyers are now familiar with the common environmental labels.
Both rising prices and growing demand justify the question of whether print and media service providers can still afford to forego common standards or elementary labels such as the Blue Angel DE-UZ 195 print product label. The industry is prepared to do so - the only obstacles are the costs and the additional prices for the corresponding recycled papers.
In order to establish the most important print product label in the EU "Blue Angel DE-UZ 195" as a permanent fixture in the market, the independent industry initiative UmDEX (Jürgen Zietlow, Guido Rochus Schmidt), der Fachverband Medienproduktion e. V., f:mp. (Rüdiger Maaß) and the expert specializing in sustainability Mario Drechsler 2021 die
KSB: Blue Angel subsidy package campaign DE-UZ 195 initiated.
The aims are to achieve much greater market penetration and to equalize the still considerable additional financial outlay for print service providers. After a brief introduction by Jürgen Zietlow on the statutes of the independent industry initiative UmDEX, Mario Drechsler and Guido Rochus Schmidt explain the main pillars of the campaigns:
- Excerpts from the current baseline survey on the campaign.
- Highlights of the special industry survey.
- Results of the first KSB Roundtable in Berlin in May 2022, attended by institutions and associations such as IPR (Initiative pro Recycling), INGEDE, Deutsche Umweltstiftung (German Environmental Foundation), the Bundesverband Druck und Medien (bvdm) (German Printing and Media Industries Federation), and creative agencies with special expertise.
Presenter information Mario Drechsler
15.30 - 16.00 p.m.
In a duel for attention: haptic or touch? 

- Emotion: Do good and talk about it
- Precision: Orientation and impact dimension of eco-certificates
- Innovation: 5 action steps per quality in Paper & Print
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